Product Audio/Video Preview in nopCommerce

Showing a preview of the digital products helps to grab the Potential Customers since ads are always made to be lucrative and eye-candy. The Store owners need this feature to Attract Customers and Customers want to have a preview of the Product to see what they are actually opting for. So, for this vice-versa relationship between the views of the Store Owners and Customers often requires the developer to integrate this feature. However, to be candid, I was required to develop this for my Customer (Unless I would not have thought about it!) and now think it would be nice to share with you (Tough This is for 1.30v)

I have place everything in this location. For playing the Videos and Audios I have used flowplayer ( that is free for non commercial usage.

Instruction is given in the Downloadable File in instructions.txt file.

Please add these lines in web.config in appropriate section:

<section name="PreviewProvider" 
<add name="SQLPreviewProvider" 


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